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A string theory for The World Wide Nation

The string theory (STforWWN) suggests a form of people interactions in the WWN.

If the number of persons in the every group is small enough, for example 256, it becomes possible to take into account social and personal preferences inside the group and between neighbouring groups.

Let's begin with the forming inside a group where everyone provides a list of ratings of own personal preferences. If someone not submits the list, his/her preferences are established randomly.
Having the lists, it become possible to determine the most preferred person(s), MPP, with the maximum social, i.e. total, rating (TR). The MPP (if there are several of them, then one is selected randomly) gets the right to choose someone for interaction. In this point, a conflict of his/her preference and social ones is possible. For example, if MPP has selected a person with minimal TR, then the person gets the right to choose from people with a higher TR, i.e. gets the right, which is the opposite of the right by which MPP was elected. So the MPP should choose a person with next TR (it is possible that several people have equal values of TR, so for MPP may be space for choosing). The choice space (CS) for MPP can be extended such way: the list of TR is divided into N sets with, for the example, 256/N people in the every set. Then MPP is able to choose from the set where he/she is. Such way a compromise between social and personal preferences can be reached.
After the MPP1 has made choice CH1, MPP1 should be excluded from consideration and the CH1 becomes MPP2. Since MMP1 is excluded from the 256/N set, the CS for MPP2 becomes 1 less. To save the space, it’s necessary to add into the set a person with the most TR from the next set. So the set, with the constant CS, become shifting (floating) one.
And so on.
One is able to notice a reducing CS for the last persons in the group. To save the CS is probable needed (not needed?) to add people with the most TR from the underlying group. Such way a horizontal chain, string, of social and personal preferences will be formed.

Similarly vertical strings can be formed.

It should be noted that random choices are allowed in the cases of indifferent preferences and in the cases of equality of intellects when groups create. And that the groups and the strings must be created periodically.!topic/alt.sci.sociology/GyHx_DBQGr8

Oleg Goryunov